What is branding?


On a basic level, branding is the process of building trust. Strong brands enjoy a high level of trust from their customers. So how do you build that trust? Well, it all starts with a promise. If a brand delivers on a promise, time after time, trust starts to build, just as it does with a person. Also, if the delivery of that promise includes a positive experience in itself, it will definitely be remembered.



So the next level of branding is about creating relevant and captivating experiences, because they create strong memories. And strong memories are needed to build a strong brand. In fact, brands can’t exist without our brains’ ability to memorize. A positive remembrance lasts a long time and lifts the brand to top of mind when needed. The customer voluntarily gets in touch as needs arise.


Brand vectors

There are four brand vectors in which a brand can connect and engage with a customer:

  • Product / service
  • Environment / spaces
  • Behavior
  • Communication


A vector has a direction, so the experience in each brand vector will determine where the brand is headed. By designing memorable moments through holistic and aligned experiences in all vectors, the brand is in a better position to create brand memories and influence customers in a desirable direction.



Contact us to see how we can help define your brand promise and deliver memorable moments for your customers!