What is a brand?

Gut feelings

A brand is the result of all intentional and accidental customer experiences. The experiences create associations in the mind of the customer. These associations – gut feelings if you will – constitute a brand. We can’t tell customers what to think and feel about a brand, but we can influence them in a desirable direction by creating experiences in line with the brand and its promise.


Brand strategy

To be able to influence customers effectively, the experiences need to be consistent and aimed towards a goal. In other words, they need to be based on a defined brand strategy – a long term plan to outmaneuver competitors through [radical] differentiation.


Brand Challenges

A brand always faces one or more of the following strategic challenges:

  • Launch
  • Competition (against other existing and dominant brands in similar areas of operation)
  • Maintenance/defense (of market position)
  • Revitalization (reviving a brand that has lost its position)
  • Change (altering the brand and possibly its core values, for a product, service, or company)
  • Integration (of another brand into an already existing brand portfolio)


What is your main brand challenge?



Contact us to see how we can help you define your brand challenges and achieve your brand goals!